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protect the minorities中文是什么意思

用"protect the minorities"造句"protect the minorities"怎么读"protect the minorities" in a sentence


  • 保护少数民族


  • Therefore , in order to realize equality essentially , it is necessary to build a system which can protect the minority shareholders effectively
  • Takeover and its related legal problems are both important and complicated . this thesis intends not to analyze all the aspects of basic legal principles and practice problems during takeovers , but mainly on how to protect the minority shareholders ’ interests of target company . from this angle , i ’ m about to take my roots in the current situation of china securities market and the newly revised corporation law and security law of our country and offer my points on how to amend the legal systems of protection of minority shareholders from basic principles and practice during the course of takeover
  • Regulations of affiliated transaction in foreign countries comprise three parts . the first part is a restriction on the behavior of people engaged in management ; the second and third parts are both protections , the second part is to protect the minority shareholders from two aspects , i . e . entity law and procedure law , and in the third part , it is a protection for the benefits of creditors in different means
  • At the same time , study on efficiency of ownership structure also has some practical values . as for chinese stock market , to understand such phenomenon as " a dominant shareholder " and to design and implement the policy of downsizing state - owned shares all call for the study on efficiency of ownership structure . furthermore , some feasible policy suggestions on how to protect the minority shareholders " interests can be put forward based on such study
  • The controlling shareholders of listed company take advantage of their control over the company , and aggression the interests of the minority stockholders , which has something to do with the fact that the listed company of our country did n ' t reform completely , equity structure is unreasonable , the corporate government structure is imperfect , the laws and regulations are not perfect , etc . in order to protect the minority shareholder ' s legitimate interests in our country and guarantee the security market of our country to develop in a healthy way , we must take steps , improving the equity structure , amplifying the corporate government structure , perfecting the corresponding laws and regulations , and setting up effective mechanism of protection of minority stockholder ' s interests
  • The thesis system matically discusses how to strengthen the minority - shareholder " rights and how to protect the minority - shareholder " rights . in the thesis the author also makes a comparison of china ' s company law with foreign laws and gives advices on the revision and improvement concerning corporate legislation . the thesis , except its preface and conclusion , is divided into four parts
    事实上,自英国1843年fossv . harbottle一案原则确立之日起一百多年来,无论是英美法系国家还是大陆法系国家的公司法都致力于给小股东以特别保护,并对保护小股东合法权益法律制度的完善作出了重大贡献。
  • The third part analyses concerning legal principles of regulating the affiliated company and points out the core of regulations is to prevent the abuse of holding power of the affiliated company . and the fourth part first states some basic legal problems of the affiliated company , and then reasons the principle of uncovering the veil of the company used in the affiliated company in details and protect the minority shareholders in the subordinate companies . the discussion mentioned above makes clear the legal responsibilities of the command company should shoulder in the affiliated transaction
  • So most countries in the world have taken very strict measures to regulate it . regulations of affiliated transaction in foreign countries include three parts . the first part is a restriction on the behavior of insiders in the company ; the second is to protect the minority shareholders ; the last part emphasizes on the protection for the benefits of creditors of the listed company
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